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  • 13 Dec 2023
  • 3 min read
  • By REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella

From the CEO: 13th December 2023

Zone Chairs, Chapter Committees

The REIQ is delighted to announce the appointment of our Zone Chairs and Chapter Committees for 2024-2025. Our Zone Chairs are based in Queensland’s largest real estate markets, representing the REIQ at a local level and helping us keep a finger on the pulse of real estate throughout the state. Meanwhile, our Chapter Committee members are respected and experienced professionals who represent the various real estate sectors. They play an important role in providing critical feedback to us on the REIQ’s education, training, events and advocacy activities.

It’s certainly been an interesting week in the Queensland political landscape with Annastacia Palaszczuk resigning as Premier, and Steven Miles set to take the reins. As an apolitical organisation, the REIQ is committed to working effectively with whoever holds power. However, we believe it’s critical the new Premier outlines a long-term plan for housing, meaningfully consults with relevant industry, and commits to the promises they make both publicly and behind the scenes. It’s clear to us that the Government should heed the advice of the peak bodies and business community experts when it comes to the health and well-being of the vital real estate sector in the Queensland economy.

Need a refresher on what sales agents need to disclose to prospective buyers? Our partners at Carter Newell Lawyers have written an article that reminds sales agents about the need to disclose certain relationships or benefits they may receive in connection with the performance of their duties. The article outlines the types of relationships required to be disclosed to prospective buyers and the potential consequences for failing to do so. Brush up here.

Read more from Antonia Mercorella: From the CEO 29th November 2023.

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