Flooding over road
  • 04 Feb 2025
  • 3 min read
  • By Claire Ryan

Real estate professionals brace for devastating fallout from floods

Severe flooding event, Disaster toolkit

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) stands in solidarity with the residents, businesses and communities of North Queensland as they face devastating flooding.

While the situation is still unfolding, the REIQ is anticipating extensive resources could be required for property assessments and helping those displaced from their homes.

REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella said that in the aftermath of flooding, there were often many questions as to how to address the immediate and longer-term needs relating to housing.

“Real estate professionals will be focused on helping their clients and community through this disaster,” Ms Mercorella said.

“Sales agents and property managers in the affected regions can access the REIQ Disaster Toolkit to assist them in responding to issues surrounding affected properties.

“We want to make sure that everyone has all the information they need to keep their doors open and their business running so they can assist with these urgent matters.

“As always, the REIQ is here to help our members with every aspect of professional life. Remember, we have the Property Management Support Service and the Agency Advice Line available for unlimited call support, simply by dialling 1300 MYREIQ.”

Ms Mercorella noted this flood came at a time when Townsville has a tight vacancy rate of just 1.2% according to the REIQ’s latest Residential Vacancy Rate Report.

“When homes are flooded, it’s devastating and distressing, and it can take considerable time and resources to get homes restored and back online,” she said.

“This displaces owners, tenants and businesses and it puts an additional strain on the local rental market, as property managers help to coordinate efforts to re-home people.

“In addition to this, there may also be a need to house tradies and insurance assessors as part of the longer-term recovery process.

“The important thing is to work together and treat one another respectfully with patience and understanding while the extent of the damage is understood and managed.

“At times like this, good communication is key.”

She said that the REIQ saw the extraordinary efforts of its members during the Townsville floods in 2019 when over 3,500 homes were inundated, the Brisbane floods in March 2022 and in the Far North Queensland floods after Cyclone Jasper in December 2023.

“In Queensland, we are sadly no stranger to natural disasters and time and time again our communities have rallied together to help displaced residents and businesses,” she said.

“Driven by a strong sense of community, we witnessed real estate professionals going above and beyond the call of duty to help owners and tenants in need, working tirelessly to keep locals housed and lending a hand to clean properties.

“We have no doubt we'll see that generosity and community support to get everyone sheltered and back on their feet again.”

The REIQ Disaster Toolkit is available for real estate professionals to download here and covers FAQs and fact sheets for sales agents and property managers, Insurance issues, Office of Fair Trading (OFT) information, Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) information, Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) information, and more.

The toolkit addresses questions such as:

  • Can a buyer terminate the contract of sale if a property has been affected?
  • What happens if a rental property becomes unliveable due to flood damage?
  • What should I do if my own offices have been destroyed?
  • Who is responsible for getting rid of the mould in a rental property?

Ms Mercorella encouraged tenants to familiarise themselves with resources outlining their legislative rights, and what to do if the floods have damaged or made their rental property unliveable.

“Residential tenancies in Queensland are regulated by legislation and the right to terminate a tenancy agreement on the basis of non-liability applies equally to tenants and property owners,” she explained.

“To better understand residential tenancies legislation, tenants can seek support from the Residential Tenancy Authority (RTA) and refer to resources such as their Natural disasters fact sheet.”

The thoughts of everyone at the REIQ are with the North Queensland community. We refer those experiencing hardship to seek available government disaster assistance.

  • Housing assistance is available if your home has been damaged or destroyed here and by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
  • Disaster assistance is being provided by the Australian and Queensland Governments through the joint Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). 
    • To check eligibility and apply for DRFA Personal Hardship Assistance visit www.qld.gov.au/disasterhelp or phone the Queensland Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349. 
    • Supported areas include:
      • Cairns LGA (targeted addresses in Gordonvale)
      • Townsville LGA (targeted localities of Balgal Beach, Cluden, Hermit Park, Idalia, Oonoonba, Railway Estate, Rosslea, South Townsville and Stuart)
      • Burdekin LGA (defined localities)
      • Cassowary Coast LGA (targeted localities of Ellerbeck, Cardwell and Damper Creek)
      • Hinchinbrook LGA (entire)
      • Palm Island LGA (entire).


Media enquiries:
Claire Ryan, Media and Stakeholder Relations Manager, The Real Estate Institute of Queensland
M: 0417 623 723 E: media@reiq.com.au

Read more from the REIQ: Queensland rentals: listed one week, leased the next.

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