- 20 Dec 2023
- 4 min read
- By REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella
From the CEO: 20th December 2023
As we approach the end of the year, on behalf of the REIQ Board, management and staff, I’d like to thank you for your support in 2023. I hope you get the opportunity to spend a wonderful and restful holiday season with loved ones.
The REIQ team will be taking the opportunity to have a short, well-deserved break too, so I’d like to let you know about our closure dates during the upcoming holiday period.
The REIQ team will be offline from noon on Friday the 22nd of December and we’ll be back from 8.30am on Tuesday, the 2nd of January.
Any members or Realworks subscribers who have an urgent matter that requires assistance over the break, please contact us at ask@reiq.com.au and we’ll be in touch.
New RTA Compliance and Enforcement Action Plan
In news just to hand, the RTA has released its Compliance and Enforcement Action Plan 2024.
This plan sets out the compliance priorities and enforcement actions that the RTA will undertake as the regulator of Queensland’s residential tenancy laws.
It provides the sector with further clarity on the RTA’s priority enforcement areas and actions for how the RTA upholds and enforces compliance. Real estate professionals are encouraged to review the plan and provide a copy to their lessor clients.
Key REIQ achievements in 2023
This time of year is a chance for us to reflect on 2023 and I’d like to share with you some of our achievements.
As your peak body, advocacy plays a huge role in what we do on behalf of the profession.
2023 was a huge year for us in this regard.
We appeared at a Senate inquiry into Australia’s rental crisis, provided input into the National Housing and Homelessness Plan and we continue to sit on the Queensland Housing Supply Expert Panel.
Our advocacy helped shape the Property Law Bill 2023, which represented the most significant changes to property law in 50 years.
Additionally, our advice was also integral to the development of the Body Corporate and Community Management and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023.
Overall, we provided a record 21 submissions to government in response to proposed legislative amendments on your behalf.
Although we have achieved a lot this year, our work is never done.
We’ve just seen a new Cabinet sworn in including Premier Steven Miles – and with it comes a vital opportunity to reset and refocus.
Importantly, the Premier has said he will focus on consultation with the business community, and given the enormous real estate sector we represent, we certainly welcome that.
What's in store for 2024
In 2024, we face the introduction of stage two rental law reforms, the implementation of the Seller’s Disclosure Regime, and the passing of mandatory continuing professional development for real estate professionals.
Of course, Queenslanders will also go to the polls in October 2024, so it’s an incredibly important time for us to use our advocacy voice.
We are here for you and will always strive to advocate for your best interests.
I'd especially like to thank our members for their ongoing commitment to the REIQ. We're grateful for your support always.
I wish everyone a safe and prosperous new year and look forward to seeing you in 2024.
The REIQ Journal and Property Manager Update will return in January 2024.
Read more from Antonia Mercorella: From the CEO: 13th December 2023.
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