- 02 Nov 2021
- 3 min read
- By Shaun O'Dowd
Meet the REIQ's newest Life Member
When Peter Barrett's father asked him to "go and sell real estate" with him, Barrett thought, "that'll do until I work out what I really want to do".
Forty-eight years later, Barrett is still selling real estate and was appointed a Life Member at the REIQ AGM - being recognised for his service to the REIQ and the real estate profession.
The Pat Barrett Realty Licensed Director has been heavily involved in his Redlands' based community, participating in ambulance committees, community events, charity organisations, chambers of commerce, sporting clubs and schools.
On behalf of the industry, Barrett has been a member of the REIQ Property Management Chapter and a member and chair of the Eastern Suburbs Zone Group.
The art of perseverance
In 1973, Barrett started a realty business with his father after falling out with a boss in a previous job. Barrett thought he would work at his father's business until he worked out what "he really wanted to do".
"So, 48 years on I still haven't worked out what I really want to do," he jokes. "As I said during the REIQ AGM, maybe this lifetime membership is the universe saying, 'Commit! Stop procrastinating'."
Barrett has seen boom times and worked through three recessions, including one where interest rates climbed as high as 19 per cent.
His advice on longevity? "Enjoy the good times, put a bit aside for the tough times because they'll come. And when they do come - head down, bum up, keep going.
"Perseverance is key. You're going to get good times and you'll get some pretty lean times too. But if you decide this is what you want to do and persevere, it'll overcome most obstacles."
Success in real estate
Barrett is a great supporter of the real estate industry.
"Real estate's a wonderful career and a wonderful industry," he says. "It's afforded me the ability to put three kids through private school. My wife didn't have to work. I'm a pretty ordinary salesperson so if I can do it, any mug can. And it's so much more professional nowadays."
Real estate training was limited when Barrett was granted his licence in 1976. Now with real estate education far more sophisticated, he is a big supporter of the REIQ's training services and a firm advocate of the REIQ's insistence on continued professional development. He has been a member since 1988.
"I'm a fan of the REIQ because it's raised standards immeasurably and it's given a good, positive public face of real estate and its people to the world in general. The board and the staff deserve no end of praise for that."
Teamwork is key
Barrett's Wellington Point business employs about six people. The staff have been there for years and Barrett says teamwork, a flat structure and a culture encouraging everyone to contribute helps retain employees.
"And that's nice because they've built their own client base," he says. "We always encourage our customers past and present to just drop in. We spend a lot of money on coffee and tea."
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