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  • 08 Feb 2023
  • 2 min read
  • By REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella

From the CEO: 8th February 2023

Training, Agency Advisory Service, Carter Newell Lawyers

The REIQ is delighted to be taking our training courses to Central and North Queensland in March. We have face-to-face registration classes taking place in Rockhampton from 13-15 March and Townsville from 27-29 March. If you know of anyone who wants to enter the profession or have staff who need training, these courses will give them the skills they need to take a step ahead in their career. Students will benefit from the expertise and real-life examples of our regional trainer Rob Honeycombe, who has experience as an agency owner, licensed real estate agent and auctioneer. Find out more here.

Our Agency Advisory Service has received a few calls from agents seeking advice about selling properties in a Community Title Scheme and related disclosure statements. A reminder that, when selling a property in a residential or commercial CTS, a disclosure statement must be provided to the buyer before the contract of sale is entered into. The correct process for these transactions can be a little confusing so we’ve provided some helpful advice here.

Our partners Carter Newell Lawyers have penned an interesting article about an incident surrounding a set of stairs in a holiday rental. A person staying at the property was initially awarded $284, 092 after he fell down a set of stairs and issued legal proceedings. The stairs consisted of only three steps and were less than a metre high – but set as a spiral. The original court judgement found that the presence of the handrail on the stairs would have eliminated the risk of the injury to the plaintiff. However, this was later overturned on appeal. The story makes an interesting read into considerations around a reasonable response to foreseeable risks of injury in rental properties. You can read more here.

Up-to-date with Antonia's columns? Read her previous one now.

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Start your Real Estate Career

Our approach to training is career focussed to support all members of the profession. 

From accredited training to start your career to upskilling courses that advance your career, the REIQ keeps you a real step ahead.

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