- 25 Oct 2024
- 3 min read
- By Claire Ryan
Two new Directors get a seat at the REIQ Board table
The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) is excited to announce the election of two new Directors to its Board after the results were revealed at today’s AGM.
In accordance with the Institute’s Constitution and by-laws, the positions were contested by a vote of the membership, resulting in Daniel Burrett and Nadine Edwards being elected to the REIQ Board for a three-year term.
REIQ Chairman Peter Brewer congratulated Daniel and Nadine on their successful campaigns amid a high number of qualified candidates vying for the roles.
“I want to acknowledge the particular honour it is to have secured these positions in a year where the number and quality of candidates was exceptional,” Mr Brewer said.
“Daniel and Nadine are both highly ambitious and accomplished regional community leaders, from Toowoomba and Cairns respectively, and possess business acumen, sound strategic thinking, and a steadfast commitment to professional standards.
“Their considerable knowledge and experience will be of great benefit to the REIQ Board and I look forward to the vision and enthusiasm they will bring.”
REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella also welcomed the appointments and highlighted the benefits of not only a refreshed Board, but also a diverse one.
“Our Constitution has preserved positions for regional directors, female directors and an under 35-year-old director, as well as non-member directors who possess complementary specific skills and knowledge,” Ms Mercorella said.
“This composition ensures the perspectives around the table reflect the full breadth of our membership and the real estate business community, and we are well equipped to meet our strategic objectives.”
In accepting his position, Daniel Burrett said, “I look forward on building on my contributions to the REIQ, in particular bringing focus to the areas of digital communication, wellbeing support, and continuing professional development.”
In learning she was successful, Nadine Edwards said, “I’m grateful to those of you that supported and endorsed my nomination, I consider this position as an honour and a privilege, and I intend to bring the same passion I have for real estate to this role.”
Farewell to outgoing Board Directors
Ms Mercorella thanked the outgoing Board Directors Josh Kindred and Linda Bland, who were not eligible for renomination.
“Both have demonstrated many years of dedicated service and played a crucial role in shaping the future of REIQ and advancing Queensland’s real estate industry,” she said.
“Linda has represented our regional members with fervour, and Josh has brought fresh and innovative ideas as a young director.
“These contributions have been invaluable in ensuring we insightfully represent and resonate with professionals in all corners of our state, and at all life and career stages.”
New Zone Chair appointment
With Daniel Burrett stepping down as Zone Chair for Toowoomba (2021-2024) upon joining the Board, Ms Mercorella announced Katie Knight as his successor for the remainer of the term.
“As the former Zone Chair for the region, Katie will seamlessly reassume the position and we have full confidence in her ability to support the REIQ’s goals in her Zone and ensure the voices of Toowoomba’s real estate professionals are heard,” Ms Mercorella said.
Katie Knight, who proudly followed in the footsteps of her father, Ian Knight, a pioneer in Toowoomba’s real estate scene, has been recognised as the REIQ Residential Property Manager of the Year six times between 2008-2019. She initially became the Zone Chair in 2020, stepping down during her maternity leave in 2021.
The full REIQ Board of Directors are:
- Peter Brewer (Chair)
- Julie Boyd (Deputy Chair, Non-member Director)
- Peter Camphin (General Member Director)
- Laura Valenti (Female General Member Director)
- Andrew Acton (Regional Member Director)
- Daniel Burrett (Young Director – Under 35) – newly elected
- Nadine Edwards (Female Regional Director) – newly elected
- Jeff Batten (Non-member Director)
- Kerri-Ann Smee (Non-member Director)
Outgoing Board Directors:
- Joshua Kindred – Outgoing Young Director (6 years), Member since 2014
- Linda Bland – Outgoing Female Regional Director (9+ years), Member since 2012
New Zone Chair for Toowoomba/Darling Downs:
- Katie Knight (effective from 25 October 2024 to 31 December 2025)
Media enquiries:
Claire Ryan, Media and Stakeholder Relations Manager, The Real Estate Institute of Queensland
M: 0417 623 723 E: media@reiq.com.au
Read another media release from the REIQ: REIQ welcomes new Life Member Felix Reitano.
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