- 04 Aug 2023
- 3 min read
- By The REIQ
The Worsening Rental Crisis in Australia - Senate Inquiry
The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) welcomed the opportunity to provide its comments in relation to the above inquiry.
As the peak body for the real estate sector in Queensland, the REIQ has seen first-hand the impact of regulatory intervention on the rental housing market.
In our Submission, the REIQ set out a number of proposed actions that:
- encourage investment in property;
- provide fair and balance residential tenancy frameworks;
- support home ownership pathways;
- provide flexible and diverse housing choices; and
- are innovative and respond to current and emerging issues.
As outlined in our Submission below, the return of a healthy rental market rather than artificial legislative intervention, will improve rental experiences, as rents and rental affordability will stabilise, tenancy sustainment will improve and tenants will have more options for housing, allowing them greater opportunities to find a home that suits their needs.
Read our submission here.
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