- 18 Jan 2023
- 3 min read
- By Little Hinges
The Tech PMs are Using to Beat Burnout: Lessons from Code Property Group on Supporting your PM Team in the New Year
Property managers are experiencing added pressure as they start a new year in one of the tightest rental markets Australia has ever seen.
Saddled with busy workloads and poor access to the tools and resources needed to succeed, one-in-four property managers are calling time on the industry as they struggle to take care of their mental health and switch off after hours.
The challenges facing PMs are magnified during the school holiday season, with stressed out tenants, busy trades and landlord requests piling even more pressure onto what is already a demanding role.
According to Jamie Billerwell of Code Property Group, it’s particularly important to look after your property managers during school holidays, especially after an intense few years.
Ms Billerwell said, “We leverage technology as much as we can to take some of the administrative pressure off our PMs, leaving them to focus on what they do best, which is build relationships with tenants and landlords.”
“For example, we’ve partnered with Little Hinges to create 3D virtual tours so that our property managers can manage fewer physical inspections, and can use them to allow trades to quote more accurately if anything does go wrong during the holidays.
“They also save our property managers a load of time during the school holidays and beyond. Instead of spending up to a day each week conducting multiple site visits, driving to and from properties to provide access to tradespeople and answering simple questions about the property layout and facilities at any time of the day or night, virtual tours allow our PMs to manage their workloads more efficiently, reducing the out-of-hours demands on their personal lives,” Ms Billerwell said.
“Our partnership with Little Hinges means we are able to offer excellent service to our landlords, while giving our property managers the space to eliminate repetitive tasks and fully rest and recover when they need to.”
Little Hinges 3-in-1 property management pack is designed to help property managers streamline their workload, using 3D, millimetre-accurate virtual tours to answer tenant and landlord questions and source quotes from trades instead of requiring a time-consuming in-person site visit that also involves disrupting the tenant.
The 3-in-1 PM pack can also shortcut the time to get properties rented, often doing away with the need for physical open homes, particularly for tenants looking to rent from interstate.
Agencies are also using them as entry and exit reports, demonstrating to landlords their commitment to protecting their assets.
Little Hinges sales-quality, 3-in-1 property management marketing pack costs just $199, and includes:
- 10 x HD images
- Custom, branded floorplan
- 3D, millimetre accurate virtual tour.
Property managers can pay closer to $300-plus when sourcing assets to manage and promote a property, often with fewer images and inclusions.
To get an example of Little Hinges 3-in-1 PM pack sent to you, head to their website.
Want to read more about property management? Find out some common mistakes property managers make here.
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