- 08 Jun 2022
- 2 min read
- By The REIQ
New tenancy laws: the REIQ is here to help
With the majority of Queensland's new tenancy laws coming into effect on 1 October 2022, the REIQ is heading across the state to provide comprehensive and practical face-to-face training to the property management sector.
The New Tenancy Laws Training events will be staged from the Far North to the Gold Coast kicking off on 4 July.
Join your local event here.
REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella says the fast-approaching new laws are the result of the most significant rental legislative reforms in more than a decade.
"It's critical that all property managers and principals with a rent roll are ready to guide their clients through the new legislative landscape," Mercorella said.
"We understand the pressure cooker environment property managers are operating within and that the introduction of these laws represent added workload, risk and complexity to your roles and businesses.
"That's why the REIQ is hitting the road to deliver you with a comprehensive and practical training event."
REIQ helped shape the laws
The REIQ has been involved in shaping the new laws since 2018, ensuring the most onerous rental laws in the country proposed at that time did not progress and that vastly improved and more balanced tenancy laws were passed."As the peak body, we are perfectly positioned to deliver up to date and accurate training about what you need to know in order to continue delivering legally compliant and best practice property management services," Mercorella says.
"The REIQ is equipped with all the essential information, resources and practical implementation tactics you need to confidently navigate the new legislative landscape.
"A key feature of the training will include an overview of new property management forms and template correspondence you can use in your business. Our trainers will also provide scenario-based training and FAQs so you can apply the new laws in the 'real world'."
Don't get caught off guard
Mercorella notes there are serious repercussions to being caught off guard by the new laws so it's essential to act now to prepare yourself, your business and your clients."The REIQ is in a unique position to empower you through industry-leading training and we urge you and your property management team to prioritise this timely training event so you are prepared."
Find your nearest New Tenancy Laws Training event here.
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