- 05 May 2021
- 2 min read
- By Smoke Alarm Solutions
Secure your slot today or risk missing out!
New Queensland smoke alarm legislation will be mandatory for all rental properties from 2022, which is now less than 8 months away. As with many expenses relating to investment properties, the cost to upgrade the smoke alarms in a rental property may be tax-deductible.
Many landlords find it beneficial to offset expenses against income and earnings as early as possible, which is why we always see an influx of work requests in May and June year-on-year. 2021 is no different, with a huge number of new property upgrade requests received over the last few weeks.
So that you have ample time to either enrol your properties or remind your landlords of their obligation to meet new Queensland legislation, Smoke Alarm Solutions wish to advise that we only have 4,000 upgrade slots remaining between now and June 30, 2021.
As the industry leaders, we have a fully trained and professional workforce, which has been steadily growing to accommodate the increasing demand to meet the new legislation. We are here to assist you and your landlords meet this incredibly important legislation.
If you do miss out on securing one of the 4,000 slots, we can still assist you to meet the new legislative requirements however we cannot guarantee completion prior to the end of this financial year. Not only do rental properties need to comply, but from 1 January 2022, properties being sold will also have to comply. This is why we encourage you to act now as demand will only increase further as we approach 2022.
You can visit www.smokealarmsolutions.com.au/if to either obtain a quote or to upgrade your property.
Smoke Alarm Solutions is Australia's leading provider of smoke alarm services to the real estate industry and is a trusted partner of the REIQ. Contact Smoke Alarm Solutions today at 1300 852 301 or email info@smokealarmsolutions.com.au to find out how they can provide a cost-effective and user-friendly solution to remove the liability and stress surrounding such an imperative and intricate set of guidelines involved with smoke alarm compliance. Don't leave compliance up to chance. Ensure you deal with the experts.
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