- 16 Mar 2022
- 4 min read
- By Rory Scott
How the REIQ is helping property managers
Property managers have faced hugely stressful and challenging situations in recent years due to COVID-19 and other devastating events.
The REIQ will stage its Property Manager Conference on 31 March 2022 at the W Hotel to help property managers understand how to navigate difficult situations and handle the challenges of property management.
Catalysed by the latest Voice of the Property Manager 2021 report from February 2022, which revealed property managers are facing increasingly difficult situations and challenges from both tenants and owners, exasperated by external pressures such as lockdown and uncertainty, this conference will be based on addressing these concerning findings.
The REIQ is here to offer its help. Register today for the Property Manager Conference.
What Will This Conference Address?
This year's conference theme is 'Navigating Complexity'. More than ever, property managers need to know how to navigate through the emotional, economic and legislative challenges they face.The conference is designed to help property managers learn practical coping mechanisms and build resilience.
Organisational Psychologist Dr Adrian Medhurst will cover stress management and provide practical guidance on how to manage stressful situations and de-escalate aggressive clients and tenants. Our mindfulness and wellness coach will complement this by teaching attendees some practical tips and techniques to find ways to remain calm, present and more energised.
On the technical and legislative side, we will be covering rental reforms and how property managers can prepare for these legislative changes.
In addition, the conference will feature a Residential Tenancies Authority and QCAT update plus an interactive panel session addressing some commonly asked questions. To finish the day, we will be hosting networking drinks to give all attendees a chance to relax and socialise with the broader property management community.
REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella says she encourages all those who work in property management to attend.
"We have seen situations worsen for property managers in recent years and, as the peak body for real estate in Queensland, we must help prepare our industry for current and future challenges," she says.
"The recent flood disaster in Queensland has only highlighted the need for this upcoming conference as it's very difficult to train for disaster situations like the one we are currently experiencing.
"By attending, you will receive real-world training that could help you through the next challenge. As property managers, you play a vital role in Queensland real estate, and the REIQ wants to empower you to excel in roles while also taking care of yourself."
Beyond this conference, the REIQ is also working hard to bring this information to the relevant government bodies to help improve the conditions for property managers.
"We are continuing to raise it as an issue with government departments that they need to take action and understand the pressure-cooker situations our property managers have faced," Mercorella says.
"We see these challenges and we recognise the need for improvements and this conference is important step in the right direction to improve the conditions for a vital part of the real estate profession in Queensland."
Voice of the property manager findings
Due to this conference being based on the latest Voice of the Property Manager 2021 report from February 2022, it's important to understand these findings to know why the REIQ is taking action.Released by MRI Software, a brief overview of the results can be seen below:
- 60 percent of property managers in Australia rate dealing with aggressive and abusive landlords and tenants as the biggest challenge of their job;
- 53 percent struggle with mental health; and
- Almost 1 in 4 (23 percent) intend to leave the industry - twice the number recorded in 2018 when the first Voice of the Property Manager research was conducted well before COVID struck.
He called on the real estate industry to fight back against findings in the report that pointed to a 'Great (Real Estate) Resignation'.
"Losing good people from real estate is not a trend any of us should be willing to accept. Property managers are critical to keeping trillions of dollars' worth of Australian property running and growing in value," Symons says.
"We must show them some love, listen to what they're saying, and ensure their experience and passion are not lost to the profession."
Don't miss out. Register now for the REIQ Property Management Conference!
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