- 29 Sep 2020
- 2 min read
- By The REIQ
The REIQ is calling for modernised residential tenancy laws
What we seek with residential tenancy laws: A review and modernisation of the Residential Tenancies Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (RTRA Act) and the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (QCAT Act).
Over 36% of Queensland's population rent and 90% of that housing is provided by private owners*. Given the current and future rental needs of the community, it's critical that tenants and property owners have access to a fair and balanced residential tenancy laws that provide sufficient support and protection to both.
Changes to residential tenancy laws
The REIQ calls for a commitment to the:
1. Preservation of an owner's right to lawfully end a tenancy when the agreed term lapses;
2. Implementation of risk mitigation measures and incentives to encourage pet ownership in rental properties;
3. Relaxation of restrictions imposed by the RTRA Act to provide Lessors and property managers with greater flexibility to negotiate appropriate tenancy terms, leading to improved renting experience for all parties involved;
4. Introduction of minimum housing standards as part of residential tenancy laws for matters relating to health, safety and security subject to the development of the scope and nature of the standards; and,
Provision of training and resources to vet QCAT applications to reduce protracted invalid applications and review of QCAT processes to facilitate in streamlined processes for a timely outcome. New provisions should also be introduced into the QCAT Act and RTRA Act to improve time delays, create consistent processes and improve decision making.
36%of Queensland's Population Rent |
90%of Rented Housing is Provided by Private Owners |
18%of Queensland Regions Experiencing Low Vacancies |
*1: Residential Tenancies Authority, RTA Annual Report 2018-2019. *2: Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (Qld).
Find out more about the new residential tenancy laws here.
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