Have your say with the Queensland disability survey
Queenslanders with disability and those who support them are invited to have their say in a survey aiming to gather important information about matters that affect them.
Responses to the Voice of Queenslanders with Disability survey will help to guide what is happening across the seven areas of improvement in Queensland’s Disability Plan 2022-2027, including:
- jobs and money,
- inclusive places,
- safety and rights,
- good supports,
- education,
- health, and
- community attitudes.
This survey (and the report that it will inform) will bring information together across multiple areas for the first time. It will enable governments, businesses, non-profit organisations and communities to know what is working well and what needs to be improved. Future surveys (and reports) will determine whether things are changing over time for people with disability in Queensland.
The project is being run by Griffith University and Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), including citizen researchers with disability. It is funded by the Queensland Government (DSDSATSIP) and Griffith University.
The survey is open until Friday 10 March 2023.WHO CAN DO THE SURVEY?
The survey is open to people with disability, their family members and carers, disability service providers, and peak disability organisations. It is only for Queenslanders.
People can do the survey in lots of different ways, including in writing or by talking (or signing/communicating) to someone one-on-one.How do I access the survey?
You can access the survey here – please choose the most applicable survey for you.
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