Have your say on the RTA
  • 06 Jul 2022
  • 3 min read
  • By PricewaterhouseCoopers

Have your say about the RTA

RTA Survey

Hurry, survey closes today, 20 July!

The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) is a familiar name to Queensland agents, as the impartial statutory authority that administers Queensland's tenancy laws to help make renting work for everyone.

With all that has changed in the last few years and the revolution of digital services, now is a critical time for agencies like the RTA to pause, listen and learn from their customers.

It's time to have your say about the RTA

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is conducting research to understand the experience of property managers and agents who interact with the RTA. This research is your chance to give valuable feedback and insight about your previous experiences with the RTA, what's working and what you would like to see in the future.

Have your say by completing this 15 minute survey. Click here to take the survey. Hurry, survey closes today (20 July)!

The survey is open now and closes in two weeks. Please be part of ensuring the voices of property agents are heard!

About the research project

The RTA is committed to understanding the needs of its customer groups and to continuous improvement of how they deliver services and information. PwC is undertaking a significant research project to help the RTA understand the needs of its customers - including tenants, landlords and property managers.

To date, we have performed a detailed data review and held in depth interviews and focus groups with different customers, peak bodies and Government - all to gain an understanding of the positives and the pain points that you experience when you contact the RTA.

This survey will help us to hear from agents across Queensland and get your perspective about what matters to you and have a direct impact on what you see from the RTA in the future.

What we can learn from you

Through research so far, we know that many property managers have called the RTA before for help with a complex question, or jumped onto the website for resources to share with tenants - and always use their forms whenever you lodge a bond!

Each interaction adds up. Last financial year the RTA:

  • Answered 423,221 calls

  • Processed 238,099 new bond lodgements

  • Managed 21,163 conciliation disputes

  • Had over 3 million website visits

Your experience of the RTA's services will help to tell the story behind the numbers and help design a future service delivery model to serve the community better.

How will my voice make a difference?

Outcomes from the project will enable the RTA to deliver the right information and services to the right people, in the right way.

Every voice is important - please have your say about the RTA! The survey is open now and closes in two weeks on 20 July 2022.

Click here to take the survey.

Click here to read more information like this

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