- 14 Dec 2022
- 2 min read
- By REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella
REIQ update from the CEO: 14th December 2022
2022 is drawing to a close and what a year it’s been. From floods and new tenancy laws to record low vacancy rates and changes in the property market, 2022 has certainly made its presence felt. The REIQ is proud to have helped our members and the Queensland real estate profession to navigate through a suite of challenges.
Some of our key achievements during the year include the following:
- Supporting agents with our Natural Disaster Toolkit and, together with industry and sponsors, the REIQ raised $70K worth of flood support during the flood crisis.
- We provided valuable market data insights on sales and rental market conditions including some of the tightest vacancy rates in our state’s history.
- We campaigned tirelessly for the profession against the proposed multi-jurisdictional land tax regime and successfully had the tax repealed.
- We were your voice at the Queensland Housing Roundtable and Summit with a suite of sensible solutions.
- We helped you navigate new tenancy laws with a training roadshow throughout the state and a comprehensive New Tenancy Laws Toolkit.
- For members, we were your lifeline – providing countless hours of support and guidance through our Agency Advisory Service and Property Management Support Service (PMSS).
- We staged a number of significant events, including hosting a record-breaking number of real estate professionals at our signature Women in Real Estate event and Awards for Excellence.
- We made promising progress on Mandatory CPD, a reform we’ve long advocated for.
- We delivered 13 submissions to government in response to proposed legislative amendments on your behalf.
- With cybersecurity becoming a key concern, we’re developing a National Real Estate Cyber Resilience Toolkit.
With membership renewals now due, I encourage existing members to renew by 31 December and invite non-members to join. We provide the tools, services and support you need to stay a step ahead of the game.
Advocacy is at the heart of what we do and, as we receive no government funding, we rely on our membership to help us advocate on your behalf and represent the Queensland real estate profession.
Find out more about membership here.
Finally, please note our office will be shut from noon 23rd December 2022, reopening on 3 January 2023. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and all your loved ones a very merry Christmas. Stay safe over the break and see you all in 2023!
Read more from Antonia Mercorella.
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