• 06 Jul 2023
  • 4 min read
  • By Aislinn Dwyer

How to blitz your REIQ awards nomination

Awards, Nomination, Recognition, Awards for Excellence,

Awards play an important role in any real estate professional's career

As any recipient of an REIQ Award for Excellence can tell you, being recognised by Queensland's real estate peak body provides individuals and agencies unparalleled recognition within the property sector.

It demonstrates that you have accomplished great things within your career and provides finalists and award winners with fantastic PR, marketing and networking opportunities.

We sat down with a former REIQ Awards for Excellence judge to determine the easiest ways for candidates to make their written application is second-to-none.

Check your eligibility

The REIQ Awards for Excellence has specific eligibility requirements for agency, individual and external categories. It's important to take note of the criteria before submitting your nomination and more information on these requirements can be found here.

Nominations close on 14 July 2023.

Nominating is the most important step

Although winning is the ultimate goal of all nominees, nominating yourself or your agency for an award offers a multitude of career benefits. The process allows real estate professionals to reflect on their skills, progress and achievements.

It also can provide a sense of motivation for the following year - what can you or your agency do to put yourselves at the top of the pack? Even if you don't progress to the finalist stage, expert judges will provide feedback on your nomination to help you improve professionally.

With nominations now open for the 2023 REIQ Awards for Excellence, it is a great time to read the terms and conditions and collate evidence of your hard work and achievements throughout financial year 2022-23.

Thoroughly read the selection criteria, and provide an answer for each section

Reading the criteria, ticking off each requirement and reviewing your application, may seem simple and obvious. However, we often receive applications that aren't fully filled out or are filled out incorrectly.

Potential nominees should take an extra five minutes to review their application before submitting. Remember, it's always a good idea to get a fresh pair of eyes to review a document, so ask a friend or colleague to proofread your application!

Individual applicants - it is your application, so write in the first person!

Despite the terms and conditions of entry for individual categories clearly outlining that 'all individual entries must be written in the first person', the REIQ still receives plenty of entries written in the third person. Breaching any eligibility criterion will result in your nomination being dismissed.

Remember, you are writing the application and supporting how you have personally met the criteria. As a rule of thumb, don't provide quotes from a third party at all - even as a type of reference.

Make your statements specific and evidence-based

Providing detailed and succinct statements that demonstrate how you have achieved outstanding results or customer service will ensure the judging panel have a clear understanding of what you achieved in financial year 2022-23.

For example, you could answer criteria by saying something like: 'I demonstrated outstanding client and customer service when dealing with a complex situation relating to the sale/rent of 123 Real Estate Way, Brisbane 4000', but you would need to then expand further on what you did to resolve the matter to mutually benefit the client and the customer. The more detail you include, the better!

Providing vague answers that are not evidence-based is a sure-fire way to have your application not progressed to the finalist stage.

Provide evidence that sets you apart from the rest

Judges like to see unique examples that not only highlight your success but your personality and character too.

Think back to a time where you showed initiative that is above industry standard or went above and beyond for a client or fellow colleague.

These awards are about recognising excellence, so as a nominee, you need to provide examples for the criteria that will set you apart from your competitors. You will need to demonstrate your unique talents and innovative ideas in order to stand out from the crowd.

Good luck!

Nomination submissions must be received by the REIQ by 5pm on Friday, 14 July 2023 - click here to nominate now!

Not an REIQ member? Read our articles about how REIQ membership can assist you.

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