• 02 Apr 2020
  • 2 min read
  • By James Hawes

New directive: Shared facilities in residential complexes

Covid 19, Residential complexes

Since the beginning of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and subsequent communications from governments, both State and Federal, there has been plenty of concern, confusion and uncertainty. The REIQ has received many questions about the common areas in shared residential facilities such as pools and gyms in apartment blocks and townhouse complexes.

The Queensland Health directive on non-essential business, activity or undertaking currently in place for COVID-19, which can be found here, states that all such facilities (including pools, gyms, barbecue areas, sports grounds and more) are no longer permitted to operate. Failure to comply with the directive may result in penalties of up to 100 penalty units (1 unit = $133.45).

There are no current guidelines around how long these restrictions are required to remain in place, but as soon as the State and Federal governments consider it safe to reopen them, The REIQ will endeavour to inform the Queensland real estate sector.

For those concerns about maintaining the upkeep of such facilities, The REIQ recommends contacting the a relevant peak body such as the Swimming Pool & Spa Association Australia (SPASA) for advice. Alternatively, the UK-based Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group (PWTAG) have issued some advice on their website which may also be helpful.

For any further inquiries around the closure of pools, please contact the Water Unit branch of the Department of Health at waterquality@health.qld.gov.au. For all other inquiries, please contact The REIQ at 1300 MYREIQ (1300 697 347) or ask@reiq.com.au.

Want to know more facts about COVID-19? Click here.

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