REIQ welcomes housing accord
  • 20 Oct 2023
  • 3 min read
  • By The REIQ

National Housing and Homelessness Plan


The Real Estate Institute of Queensland appreciated the opportunity to provide our position on the National Housing and Homelessness Plan Issues Paper released by the Department of Social Services.

In the next National Housing and Homelessness Plan and Agreement, we would like to see stronger and more ambitious proposals across each area of housing policy considered in the Issues Paper.

In particular, we would like to see:

• measures introduced that will increase the supply of good quality, well-located housing throughout the country;

• improved funding allocations for people experiencing homelessness (or at risk of homelessness) and for homelessness services;

• more social housing and subsidised affordable housing;

• innovative policy adopting the Housing First approach, with an aim of eliminating homelessness in Australia; and

• coordination between all levels of Government and accountability for outcomes.

Read our submission here.

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